

找一些邻居,组织里的朋友,或者新朋友来创建你的内部团队! We believe that fair play, 尊重, 安全, 包容性, 健康的竞争加强了君主社区,提高了大学体验.

We know this may be a new experience for you, and that's okay! We welcome beginners and applaud you for trying something different. 干得好! Intramural activities include games & leagues, tournaments, and special events. 在学年期间,一些活动可能会以一种或所有这些形式提供. See below for detailed explanations!

游戏 & 联盟






  • 政策 & Standards of Conduct
  • 挑战 & 上诉
  • 程序结构 & 格式
  • Fair Play and Respect Criteria & 评级
  • & 更多的


Intramural games are an essential part of the Monarch Journey! 游戏 are free to play and easy to join. Simply create an account at IM联盟 with your ODU email, 验证您的电子邮件, then sign in to register for games, 创建你的团队, pick your game schedule, 和更多的!



每个活动可以根据技能水平分成特定的联赛, 性别, or participation requirements.

  • C联盟: 这个联盟是为那些想要玩得开心但技术不高的球队和参与者准备的.
  • 乙联赛: This league is competitive and moderate in skill.
  • 一个联盟: This league is highly competitive in nature and advanced in skill.
  • Co-Rec: 这个联赛的队伍将由男女选手组成. The ratio of females and males will vary from sport to sport. (Co-Rec联赛也可能有A, B和C联赛为不同的技能水平.)
  • 女性: This league is reserved for female participants only. Sororities will play in this league.
  • 希腊: This league is open to fraternities. 对于可用性较低的运动,兄弟会可能会限制为每项运动一个队.
  • 开放: 公开联赛, 比赛, 或Event是一个没有性别参与比例限制的项目.

Some league changes may occur for playoffs or other events. See Participant Manual for details.

All participants must create an account on imleagues.com/odu to signup and play in ODU Intramural sports. 一旦您的帐户创建,您将能够登录查看我们所有的计划产品. 首次登录尝试将把您重新路由到RecWell门户网站以验证您的学生身份, 教师, 或者工作人员. 点击“ODU MIDAS ID”的蓝色栏,输入MIDAS用户名和密码.


当注册团队联赛和锦标赛时,队长可以为他们的团队指定一个团队名称. 请发挥创意,我们鼓励有以下规定的独特队名:

  • No vulgar, profane or derogatory language
  • Shorthand, initials, or slang words that violate will NOT be allowed
  • No references to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or violence
  • No sexual references
  • No confusing terms such as BYE, Forfeit, or canceled, etc.

请注意, 参赛队伍不得穿着带有不恰当名称或图片的队服参赛.

Don't have enough players for a team?

球队可以加入“候补名单”,如果他们的人数低于要求的参与,并寻求增加自由球员. If there is only one person is interested, 他们也可以以自由球员的身份签约,也可以加入球队.


我们努力为所有参与者创造一个包容和无障碍的环境. 在创建IM联盟账户时,所有参与者都需要声明性别身份. 我们支持参与者参加符合其性别表达和身份的运动和联盟的权利. 如果您希望在创建帐户配置文件后更改性别身份, you must do so in the "Account" section of IM联盟.com 之前 being on site for a game. Abuse of this policy results in strong disciplinary action. See Participant Manual for details.


Individuals looking for a team are called "Free Agents" and can try:

  • 联系ing a captain via IM联盟.com
  • Adding yourself to a team that is looking for players
  • Waiting for a team captain to contact you
  • 在常规赛期间出现在比赛场地,要求加入你有资格参加的球队


How much does it cost to play 校内的运动 at ODU?

校内的运动 programs are included in student fees at ODU! 这项政策的唯一例外是高尔夫,因为它使用外部设施.

What equipment do I need to play?

对于我们提供的大多数活动,我们将提供所有必要的设备. 有几个活动需要每个选手自带装备, such as shin guards for soccer and clubs for golf.


Eligible Participants:
  • ODU的学生
  • ODU教员 & 工作人员
    Must have a valid membership to the Student 娱乐 Center.
  • EVMS Students Members
    Must have a valid membership to the Student 娱乐 Center.

Players must show a valid university ID to play in games. No experience is necessary to participate!

  • Spouses or Partners of eligible members
  • 校友 or Former Students
  • 社区成员 with valid SRC 会员
  • Professional Athletes
    具有专业经验的参与者将在职业生涯结束之日起五(5)年内不符合资格. (This does not include try-outs for a professional team)
  • 客人 & 游客
  • 某些运动员
    Some Sport Club members, Varsity Athletes, etc. 可能不符合资格. See 名单规则 for details.
  • 玩家必须在比赛时在IM联盟的球队名单上列出才能登录.
  • Players CANNOT leave a team once they've played a game for that team.
  • 一旦常规赛结束,球员就不能加入球队名单.
  • A player can only play for one (1) single-性别 team, one (1) 希腊联赛 team, and one (1) Co-Rec team within a single sport season.
  • Teams CANNOT exceed the roster limit for the given sport.
Special Rules That Affect Player Eligibility:
  • Current Varsity Athletes

    • 目前的ODU校队成员没有资格参加同样的比赛, 或类似的, 校内运动到他们在校队水平上竞争的运动.
    • 正在参加校际队选拔但不在正式名单上的个人将被允许参加该校内运动,直到他们被列入正式名单, 在那个时候, they are ineligible.
    • 红衫运动员或任何与球队定期训练但不参加校际比赛的人将没有资格参加相同或相关的运动.
  • Former Varsity Athletes
    • 任何运动员, from any institution, 在8月至7月的当前学年,将没有资格参加这项运动. 这些个人在恢复资格后,每支球队的名单上只能有一(1)名球员.
  • 希腊联赛
    • Participants must be active members of the fraternity to be eligible.
    • 如果一个组织有多个球队,球员不能在球队之间移动.
  • 体育俱乐部会员
    • 校内花名册限制一项运动的俱乐部成员人数, 或者相关的运动, on a team to ensure fair play.
    • Two (2) Sport Club members for single-性别 sports.
    • Three (3) Sport Club members for Co-Rec sports. If there are three (3), there must be one (1) of another 性别.


每个活动可以根据技能水平分成特定的联赛, 性别, or participation requirements.

  • C联盟: 这个联盟是为那些想要玩得开心但技术不高的球队和参与者准备的.
  • 乙联赛: This league is competitive and moderate in skill.
  • 一个联盟: This league is highly competitive in nature and advanced in skill.
  • Co-Rec: 这个联赛的队伍将由男女选手组成. The ratio of females and males will vary from sport to sport. (Co-Rec联赛也可能有A, B和C联赛为不同的技能水平.)
  • 女性: This league is reserved for female participants only. Sororities will play in this league.
  • 希腊: This league is open to fraternities. 对于可用性较低的运动,兄弟会可能会限制为每项运动一个队.
  • 开放: 公开联赛, 比赛, 或Event是一个没有性别参与比例限制的项目.

Some league changes may occur for playoffs or other events. See Participant Manual for details.

All participants must create an account on imleagues.com/odu to signup and play in ODU Intramural sports. 一旦您的帐户创建,您将能够登录查看我们所有的计划产品. 首次登录尝试将把您重新路由到RecWell门户网站以验证您的学生身份, 教师, 或者工作人员. 点击“ODU MIDAS ID”的蓝色栏,输入MIDAS用户名和密码.


当注册团队联赛和锦标赛时,队长可以为他们的团队指定一个团队名称. 请发挥创意,我们鼓励有以下规定的独特队名:

  • No vulgar, profane or derogatory language
  • Shorthand, initials, or slang words that violate will NOT be allowed
  • No references to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or violence
  • No sexual references
  • No confusing terms such as BYE, Forfeit, or canceled, etc.

请注意, 参赛队伍不得穿着带有不恰当名称或图片的队服参赛.

Don't have enough players for a team?

球队可以加入“候补名单”,如果他们的人数低于要求的参与,并寻求增加自由球员. If there is only one person is interested, 他们也可以以自由球员的身份签约,也可以加入球队.


我们努力为所有参与者创造一个包容和无障碍的环境. 在创建IM联盟账户时,所有参与者都需要声明性别身份. 我们支持参与者参加符合其性别表达和身份的运动和联盟的权利. 如果您希望在创建帐户配置文件后更改性别身份, you must do so in the "Account" section of IM联盟.com 之前 being on site for a game. Abuse of this policy results in strong disciplinary action. See Participant Manual for details.


Individuals looking for a team are called "Free Agents" and can try:

  • 联系ing a captain via IM联盟.com
  • Adding yourself to a team that is looking for players
  • Waiting for a team captain to contact you
  • 在常规赛期间出现在比赛场地,要求加入你有资格参加的球队


How much does it cost to play 校内的运动 at ODU?

校内的运动 programs are included in student fees at ODU! 这项政策的唯一例外是高尔夫,因为它使用外部设施.

What equipment do I need to play?

对于我们提供的大多数活动,我们将提供所有必要的设备. 有几个活动需要每个选手自带装备, such as shin guards for soccer and clubs for golf.


Eligible Participants:
  • ODU的学生
  • ODU教员 & 工作人员
    Must have a valid membership to the Student 娱乐 Center.
  • EVMS Students Members
    Must have a valid membership to the Student 娱乐 Center.

Players must show a valid university ID to play in games. No experience is necessary to participate!

  • Spouses or Partners of eligible members
  • 校友 or Former Students
  • 社区成员 with valid SRC 会员
  • Professional Athletes
    具有专业经验的参与者将在职业生涯结束之日起五(5)年内不符合资格. (This does not include try-outs for a professional team)
  • 客人 & 游客
  • 某些运动员
    Some Sport Club members, Varsity Athletes, etc. 可能不符合资格. See 名单规则 for details.

  • 玩家必须在比赛时在IM联盟的球队名单上列出才能登录.
  • Players CANNOT leave a team once they've played a game for that team.
  • 一旦常规赛结束,球员就不能加入球队名单.
  • A player can only play for one (1) single-性别 team, one (1) 希腊联赛 team, and one (1) Co-Rec team within a single sport season.
  • Teams CANNOT exceed the roster limit for the given sport.
Special Rules That Affect Player Eligibility:
  • Current Varsity Athletes

    • 目前的ODU校队成员没有资格参加同样的比赛, 或类似的, 校内运动到他们在校队水平上竞争的运动.
    • 正在参加校际队选拔但不在正式名单上的个人将被允许参加该校内运动,直到他们被列入正式名单, 在那个时候, they are ineligible.
    • 红衫运动员或任何与球队定期训练但不参加校际比赛的人将没有资格参加相同或相关的运动.
  • Former Varsity Athletes
    • 任何运动员, from any institution, 在8月至7月的当前学年,将没有资格参加这项运动. 这些个人在恢复资格后,每支球队的名单上只能有一(1)名球员.
  • 希腊联赛
    • Participants must be active members of the fraternity to be eligible.
    • 如果一个组织有多个球队,球员不能在球队之间移动.
  • 体育俱乐部会员
    • 校内花名册限制一项运动的俱乐部成员人数, 或者相关的运动, on a team to ensure fair play.
    • Two (2) Sport Club members for single-性别 sports.
    • Three (3) Sport Club members for Co-Rec sports. If there are three (3), there must be one (1) of another 性别.